vrijdag 12 februari 2010


Student life!

Here I am again!
The party I refered to in my latest blog was great! After some drinks at Maaikes place, we went to a club called 'Puma' down town Utrecht. The party had already started when we arrived, so we just partied along. Many hours later I arrived home, were I was sort of knock out the rest of my Friday. So much for drinking alcohol!
This week I had to do a lot of homework, but instead of studying hard, I spend my two days off in bed with a fever and a ridiculously sore throat. I'm gonna use this weekend to finish all the assignments I missed, despite it being carnival weekend!
Carnival in Holland means dress like an idiot and drink a lot, while you're watching people just as crazy looking as you. Not my favourite party, but fun to celebrate once a year. But not this year. Drinking tea with honey and eating a lot of fruit will be my goal for this weekend, that way I can party twice as hard next year!


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