woensdag 17 februari 2010


Assignment 7a

Stresses - beklemtoont
In collaboration - in samenwerking
Subsidiary - dochteronderneming
Sustainability - houdbaarheid


Opening 'Plakkies' factory

Minister Heemskerk opened the 'Plakkies' factory in Durban yesterday. “Plakkies” is South African for flip-flops. Dutch students from Delft University of Technology and the Kids Rights foundation set up this unique factory, which will produce flip-flops using old car tires and provide 70 people with jobs.
DHV is one of the main sponsors and organized the opening with its South African subsidiary.
The factory creates employment opportunities and will train talented students to increase the chance of getting an entrance to university and a scholarship.
Today, the Plakkies will be launched in Amsterdam and will be available in stores later. The colorful patterns are made by orphans, shoe-designer Jan Jansen and students from the University of Delft created the design. The profits go to Kids Rights' projects.


Student life!

Hi there!
Did you all survive the weekend? I've tried to! Spent my weekend in bed, sneezing and feeling sorry for myself. Yesterday I finally felt a bit better, I can cough without choking, yay!
Now it's time to focus on school, I have a lot of catching up to do! I'm supposed to write a summery about Plakkies, anyone ever heard of them? Irene told me that Plakkies are flipflops made of garbage, I had no idea!
The bright side is that we've got a holiday comming up! That way I can totally recover and work on school as much as I can. Not sure I'm really happy with that though, since I'm not good in concentrating on school after a week off.

Well, I'll just keep calm and carry on!

Take care!


vrijdag 12 februari 2010



Listening assignment B

1. What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve Bank?
Comments and bloggers can be anonymous.

2. The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create "buzz". What is meant by this, in other words, what was the purpose of opening a blog?
They want to be up-to-date, this way people will check the news more regularly.

3. What was the female recruiting manager's blog mainly about?
About her being a fulltime mom and manager of the people who need her.

4. What was the purpose of her blog?

To recruit people to come to de FED.

5. Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs?
They ran the gamut.

6. By what kind of people were the very first FED blogs written?
By the senior management.

7. Have the blogs changed the way that people who work for the FED think about internal communications?
A little bit, but this is mainly because of the collective stuff they've done.

8. What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned?
Putting information from the intranet on flatscreens that are hanging everywhere in the building. This way people are more pushed to read the information.

9. Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communicating with staff does she mention?
Handing out a memo.

10. What is the next big thing in social media at the FED?
Redesigning the two intranets at the FED.


Student life!

Here I am again!
The party I refered to in my latest blog was great! After some drinks at Maaikes place, we went to a club called 'Puma' down town Utrecht. The party had already started when we arrived, so we just partied along. Many hours later I arrived home, were I was sort of knock out the rest of my Friday. So much for drinking alcohol!
This week I had to do a lot of homework, but instead of studying hard, I spend my two days off in bed with a fever and a ridiculously sore throat. I'm gonna use this weekend to finish all the assignments I missed, despite it being carnival weekend!
Carnival in Holland means dress like an idiot and drink a lot, while you're watching people just as crazy looking as you. Not my favourite party, but fun to celebrate once a year. But not this year. Drinking tea with honey and eating a lot of fruit will be my goal for this weekend, that way I can party twice as hard next year!


maandag 8 februari 2010


Maaike Driessen
Tip: Check your spelling in the listening assignment, some words are not written correctly.
Top: Your style is easy to read, that's nice!

Anna van Ommeren
Tip: Use single bullet points, these double ones are misleading
Top: Great structure in all your assignments, good work!

woensdag 3 februari 2010


Listening assignment A

- Howard, can we start on your company’s views on internal marketing and communication?
- Chatting in de kitchen over a coffee?
- No! How your company presents to its staff or to its trade and distributors.
- Do you hold events?
- No, no, we’ve got a staff training room.
- How do, you, for example get your company to embrace a new brand or a new company direction?
- Ah, well, well, the leadership team they get briefed to a weekend in retreat like at, like at the Blue Mountains.
- And.. eh management management they get briefed over dinner at a very fancy 5 star restaurant in the city if you don’t mind!
- The staff! How do you fire them up?
- Yes ...the key words there were “fire up”.
- Well the Power Point slides are pretty colourful and we use loads of clip up and any emails we send out they’ve got those little ehm animated smiley's on them you know the ieeee oooooieee.
- Well we see them coming in through the front door!
- Ahhh now they’re cool They’re all on commission.
- Last of all Howard... how important is it to you that your people fully embrace the company vision, culture and attitude and that the company is committed to ensuring their enthusiasm is maintained?
- Well, that’s an ?????, isn’t it?

dinsdag 2 februari 2010


Student Life!

Dear followers, I'm proud to present to you my first blog about student life! This weekly blog will contain information about every little thing that goes on in my so called student life.

First of all I have to make a confession. Writing, reading and thinking in English is hard! Although I've lived in London for 6 months, everything I've learned seems to be so far away. But I'll do the best I can!

Yesterday was one hell of a day. It was the start of period 3, but my brains were still working hard for period 2. Maaike and I had to finish an assignment for Usability, which resulted in some stressful late night hours! But we made it, and passed with an 8! Yay! I'm glad I've got two days off now, perfect days to make a good start for this upcoming period!

I hope to see you guys all at the Vox-party this Thursday!

Take care,




To: RobertSandman@musicfantastic.co
Subject: Greetings from music loving Holland!

Dear Robert,

Remember that Dutch girl you talked to for hours about music when you were visiting Holland? It's me, Merlin!
Your wonderful stories about your city made me decide to come and visit London next week! I would love to catch up with you to talk some more about music and drink a pint or two!

Hope to hear from you!

Best wishes,



To: employees@princesshalltheatre.com
Subject: Help create dress code!

Dear colleagues,

As you all know we work as a team perfectly, and now is the time to make our teamwork even better!

After we received some tips on the staffs clothing, the management picked up the idea to create a new, beautiful, perfectly fitting dress code for all employees at the Princess Hall Theatre!
To make this plan work, all your ideas on how you'd like this dress code to turn out are more than welcome. Colours and fabric, classic or casual: you name it!

So let those designer-brains work and come up with a great plan for our dress code!

I hope to hear from you guys soon and I'm really looking forward to all your good ideas!

Thanks in advance,

Elske Lange
Communications Department


To: Management Performance Systematix
From: Communications Department
Date: February 2, 2010
Subject: Super Sports Day


As discussed, I'm sending you some more information about the Super Sports Day the Communications Department would like to organise.

Organising a sports day for all our Dutch and American employees and their families will be good for many factors in our company, such as:
- team building
- to get to know more about our employees
- to create a positive vibe on the work floor
It's also a good way to give the families the feeling they are welcome at our company too.

All participants will get the change to play typical Dutch and American sports as soccer and football. We want to invite sport clubs to give information about different sports that are not so familiar. Afterwards there will be the opportunity to sit down, relax and eat some healthy food.

I hope this information can convince you to take a closer look at this idea. Organising this sports day will definitely be good for our company and employees!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you.

Elske Lange